Related topics: Apostles
Related works of art:
Aertsen, Pieter: The Miraculous Healing of a Lame Man by Peter and John (1575)
Anonymous: Peter and Jesus Walk on Water (1386)
Burnand, Eugène: Peter and John Running to the Tomb (1898)
Caravaggio: The calling of Sts Peter and Andrew (c. 1602)
Caravaggio: The Crucifixion of St Peter (ca. 1601)
Caravaggio: The Denial of Saint Peter (c. 1610)
Cuyp, Benjamin: Peter liberated from prison (c. 1640)
De Boulogne, Valentin: The Denial of Peter (c. 1625)
De Ribera, Jusepe: Saint Peter (1616-1620)
Duccio: Jesus Captured (Maestà) (1308-11)
Duccio: Peter Denying Christ (Maestà) (1308-11)
Duccio: The Calling of Peter and Andrew (Maestà) (1308-1311)
Dürer, Albrecht: The Betrayal of Christ (1509)
El Greco: Peter and Paul (c. 1590)
El Greco: The Repentant St. Peter (c. 1604)
Ghirlandaio: The Calling of Peter and Andrew (1481-1482)
Goya, Francisco: The Repentant St. Peter (c. 1823)
Masaccio: Death of Ananias (1425)
Masaccio: The Baptism of the Neophytes (1425)
Masolino: Peter Heals the Crippled and Raises Tabitha (1425)
Michelangelo: The Martyrdom of St Peter (1546-50)
Perugino, Pietro: Jesus Handing the Keys to Peter (1481-82)
Poussin, Nicolas: Death of Sapphira (1652)
Raphael: Christ's Charge to Peter (1515-1516)
Raphael: The Death of Ananias (1515-1516)
Raphael: The Healing of the Lame Man (c. 1516)
Raphael: The Miraculous Draught of Fishes (1515-1516)
Rembrandt: Hundred Guilder Print (c. 1648)
Rembrandt: Peter and John at the Temple Gate (1629)
Rembrandt: Peter and John Healing a Lame Beggar (1659)
Rembrandt: St Peter (6132)
Rembrandt: St. Peter Kneeling (1631)
Rembrandt: The Denial of Peter (1660)
Ricci, Sebastiano: The Liberation of St Peter (1722)
Rubens, Peter Paul: Christ and the penitent sinners (1617)
Rubens, Peter Paul: St Peter (c. 1611)
Seghers, Gerard: The Denial of Peter (c. 1620)
Serodine, Giovanni: Saint Peter reading (c. 1629)
Van Honthorst, Gerard: The Denial of Peter (c. 1620)
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