Paolo Veronese 1528 – 1588

The Raising of the Youth of Nain

oil on canvas (102 × 136 cm) — c. 1570 Museum Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna

Paolo Veronese biography

This work is linked to Luke 7:14

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Nain is a town to the south of Jerusalem. When Jesus arrives in Nain, he is met by a funeral procession. A widow has to bury her only child. Jesus is moved by her story. He touches the bier and makes the young man raise.

Veronese focuses on the conversation Jesus has with the mother. Only the gesture of his right hand points to the miracle he performs.

The woman is not dressed as one might expect from a mourning widow. It is therefore often thought that this painting depicts the story of the bleeding woman (Matthew 9:20).

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