Paolo Veronese 1528 – 1588

Supper in Emmaus (1559)

oil on canvas (242 × 416 cm) — c. 1559 Museum Musée du Louvre, Paris

Paolo Veronese biography

This work is linked to Luke 24:31

Tags: Emmaus

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To the left Jesus and his two companions approach on foot, talking to each other vividly. Seated at the table, the two men suddenly recognize their leader when he blesses the bread and turns his eyes to the sky.

Veronese departs from the traditional depiction of this famous episode. Around the main protagonists is a family dressed in the fashion of the Venetian upper class in the 16th century. The setting is not the traditional inn but a palace.

In many of his paintings Veronese shows a preference for large celebrations. The best example of course is his Marriage at Cana. In this Supper at Emmaus the main motif is a bit overwhelmed by the splendour of the surroundings. The linear perspective created by the lines on the floor does not create enough depth: the figures seem to be jammed into the scene.

A few years on, Veronese made another painting with this episode.

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