
The Three Magi before Herod

stained glass window (41 cm diam.) — 15th century Museum Musée National du Moyen Âge (Cluny), Paris

This work is linked to Matthew 2:7

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King Herod has learned that someone was born who was to lead the people of Israel. Herod saw the newborn as a competitor who had to be neutralized as soon as possible. But he did not know where to find the child.

The three magi were also looking for the child. They were waiting for the star that would lead them to him. Herod calls them before him and asks them to let him know of the child's location. He tells the three that he too wishes to adore the child.

The three magi leave, find Jesus and decide not to tell Herod.

This coloured window has the shape of a medaillon. It is painted with yellow and gray dyes and was probably made in the region of Cologne in the beginning of the 15th century. The style is Gothic.

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