Verses with the word visions in the Apocrypha (4 verses):
2 Esdras 10:59
And so shall the Highest shew thee visions of the high things, which the most High will do unto them that dwell upon the earth in the last days. So I slept that night and another, like as he commanded me.
2 Esdras 14:42
The Highest gave understanding unto the five men, and they wrote the wonderful visions of the night that were told, which they knew not: and they sat forty days, and they wrote in the day, and at night they ate bread.
Wisdom of Solomon 17:4
For neither might the corner that held them keep them from fear: but noises [as of waters] falling down sounded about them, and sad visions appeared unto them with heavy countenances.
Wisdom of Solomon 18:17
Then suddenly visions of horrible dreams troubled them sore, and terrors came upon them unlooked for.