Verses with the word ungodly in the Apocrypha (56 verses):
2 Esdras 3:12
And it happened, that when they that dwelt upon the earth began to multiply, and had gotten them many children, and were a great people, they began again to be more ungodly than the first.
2 Esdras 4:23
For it was not my mind to be curious of the high things, but of such as pass by us daily, namely, wherefore Israel is given up as a reproach to the heathen, and for what cause the people whom thou hast loved is given over unto ungodly nations, and why the law of our forefathers is brought to nought, and the written covenants come to none effect,
2 Esdras 7:17
Then answered I and said, O Lord that bearest rule, thou hast ordained in thy law, that the righteous should inherit these things, but that the ungodly should perish.
2 Esdras 7:41
Even so now, seeing corruption is grown up, and wickedness increased, and the righteous have prayed for the ungodly: wherefore shall it not be so now also?
2 Esdras 9:13
And therefore be thou not curious how the ungodly shall be punished, and when: but enquire how the righteous shall be saved, whose the world is, and for whom the world is created.
2 Esdras 14:35
For after death shall the judgment come, when we shall live again: and then shall the names of the righteous be manifest, and the works of the ungodly shall be declared.
Wisdom of Solomon 1:9
For inquisition shall be made into the counsels of the ungodly: and the sound of his words shall come unto the Lord for the manifestation of his wicked deeds.
Wisdom of Solomon 1:16
But ungodly men with their works and words called it to them: for when they thought to have it their friend, they consumed to nought, and made a covenant with it, because they are worthy to take part with it.
Wisdom of Solomon 2:1
For the ungodly said, reasoning with themselves, but not aright, Our life is short and tedious, and in the death of a man there is no remedy: neither was there any man known to have returned from the grave.
Wisdom of Solomon 3:10
But the ungodly shall be punished according to their own imaginations, which have neglected the righteous, and forsaken the Lord.
Wisdom of Solomon 4:3
But the multiplying brood of the ungodly shall not thrive, nor take deep rooting from bastard slips, nor lay any fast foundation.
Wisdom of Solomon 4:16
Thus the righteous that is dead shall condemn the ungodly which are living; and youth that is soon perfected the many years and old age of the unrighteous.
Wisdom of Solomon 5:14
For the hope of the ungodly is like dust that is blown away with the wind; like a thin froth that is driven away with the storm; like as the smoke which is dispersed here and there with a tempest, and passeth away as the remembrance of a guest that tarrieth but a day.
Wisdom of Solomon 10:6
When the ungodly perished, she delivered the righteous man, who fled from the fire which fell down upon the five cities.
Wisdom of Solomon 10:20
Therefore the righteous spoiled the ungodly, and praised thy holy name, O Lord, and magnified with one accord thine hand, that fought for them.
Wisdom of Solomon 11:9
For when they were tried albeit but in mercy chastised, they knew how the ungodly were judged in wrath and tormented, thirsting in another manner than the just.
Wisdom of Solomon 12:9
Not that thou wast unable to bring the ungodly under the hand of the righteous in battle, or to destroy them at once with cruel beasts, or with one rough word:
Wisdom of Solomon 14:9
For the ungodly and his ungodliness are both alike hateful unto God.
Wisdom of Solomon 14:16
Thus in process of time an ungodly custom grown strong was kept as a law, and graven images were worshipped by the commandments of kings.
Wisdom of Solomon 14:31
For it is not the power of them by whom they swear: but it is the just vengeance of sinners, that punisheth always the offence of the ungodly.
Wisdom of Solomon 16:16
For the ungodly, that denied to know thee, were scourged by the strength of thine arm: with strange rains, hails, and showers, were they persecuted, that they could not avoid, and through fire were they consumed.
Wisdom of Solomon 16:18
For sometime the flame was mitigated, that it might not burn up the beasts that were sent against the ungodly; but themselves might see and perceive that they were persecuted with the judgment of God.
Wisdom of Solomon 19:1
As for the ungodly, wrath came upon them without mercy unto the end: for he knew before what they would do;
Sirach 7:17
Humble thyself greatly: for the vengeance of the ungodly is fire and worms.
Sirach 9:12
Delight not in the thing that the ungodly have pleasure in; but remember they shall not go unpunished unto their grave.
Sirach 11:17
The gift of the Lord remaineth with the ungodly, and his favour bringeth prosperity for ever.
Sirach 12:5
Do well unto him that is lowly, but give not to the ungodly: hold back thy bread, and give it not unto him, lest he overmaster thee thereby: for [else] thou shalt receive twice as much evil for all the good thou shalt have done unto him.
Sirach 12:6
For the most High hateth sinners, and will repay vengeance unto the ungodly, and keepeth them against the mighty day of their punishment.
Sirach 13:24
Riches are good unto him that hath no sin, and poverty is evil in the mouth of the ungodly.
Sirach 16:1
Desire not a multitude of unprofitable children, neither delight in ungodly sons.
Sirach 16:3
Trust not thou in their life, neither respect their multitude: for one that is just is better than a thousand; and better it is to die without children, than to have them that are ungodly.
Sirach 16:6
In the congregation of the ungodly shall a fire be kindled; and in a rebellious nation wrath is set on fire.
Sirach 21:27
When the ungodly curseth Satan, he curseth his own soul.
Sirach 22:12
Seven days do men mourn for him that is dead; but for a fool and an ungodly man all the days of his life.
Sirach 26:26
A woman that honoureth her husband shall be judged wise of all; but she that dishonoureth him in her pride shall be counted ungodly of all.
Sirach 40:15
The children of the ungodly shall not bring forth many branches: but are as unclean roots upon a hard rock.
Sirach 41:5
The children of sinners are abominable children, and they that are conversant in the dwelling of the ungodly.
Sirach 41:7
The children will complain of an ungodly father, because they shall be reproached for his sake.
Sirach 41:8
Woe be unto you, ungodly men, which have forsaken the law of the most high God! for if ye increase, it shall be to your destruction:
Sirach 41:10
All that are of the earth shall turn to earth again: so the ungodly shall go from a curse to destruction.
Sirach 42:2
Of the law of the most High, and his covenant; and of judgment to justify the ungodly;
Sirach 49:3
He directed his heart unto the Lord, and in the time of the ungodly he established the worship of God.
Baruch 2:12
O Lord our God, we have sinned, we have done ungodly, we have dealt unrighteously in all thine ordinances.
1 Maccabees 3:8
Moreover he went through the cities of Juda, destroying the ungodly out of them, and turning away wrath from Israel:
1 Maccabees 3:15
So he made him ready to go up, and there went with him a mighty host of the ungodly to help him, and to be avenged of the children of Israel.
1 Maccabees 6:21
Howbeit certain of them that were besieged got forth, unto whom some ungodly men of Israel joined themselves:
1 Maccabees 7:5
There came unto him all the wicked and ungodly men of Israel, having Alcimus, who was desirous to be high priest, for their captain:
1 Maccabees 9:58
Then all the ungodly men held a council, saying, Behold, Jonathan and his company are at ease, and dwell without care: now therefore we will bring Bacchides hither, who shall take them all in one night.
1 Maccabees 9:73
Thus the sword ceased from Israel: but Jonathan dwelt at Machmas, and began to govern the people; and he destroyed the ungodly men out of Israel.
1 Maccabees 11:21
Then came ungodly persons, who hated their own people, went unto the king, and told him that Jonathan besieged the tower,
1 Maccabees 11:25
And though certain ungodly men of the people had made complaints against him,
2 Maccabees 1:17
Blessed be our God in all things, who hath delivered up the ungodly.
2 Maccabees 4:13
Now such was the height of Greek fashions, and increase of heathenish manners, through the exceeding profaneness of Jason, that ungodly wretch, and no high priest;
2 Maccabees 8:2
And they called upon the Lord, that he would look upon the people that was trodden down of all; and also pity the temple profaned of ungodly men;
2 Maccabees 12:3
The men of Joppa also did such an ungodly deed: they prayed the Jews that dwelt among them to go with their wives and children into the boats which they had prepared, as though they had meant them no hurt.
2 Maccabees 15:33
And when he had cut out the tongue of that ungodly Nicanor, he commanded that they should give it by pieces unto the fowls, and hang up the reward of his madness before the temple.