Verses with the word turneth in the Apocrypha (7 verses):

1 Esdras 3:20
It turneth also every thought into jollity and mirth, so that a man remembereth neither sorrow nor debt:

Sirach 1:21
The fear of the Lord driveth away sins: and where it is present, it turneth away wrath.

Sirach 8:5
Reproach not a man that turneth from sin, but remember that we are all worthy of punishment.

Sirach 11:31
For he lieth in wait, and turneth good into evil, and in things worthy praise will lay blame upon thee.

Sirach 14:8
The envious man hath a wicked eye; he turneth away his face, and despiseth men.

Sirach 19:25
There is an exquisite subtilty, and the same is unjust; and there is one that turneth aside to make judgment appear; and there is a wise man that justifieth in judgment.

Sirach 20:9
There is a sinner that hath good success in evil things; and there is a gain that turneth to loss.