Verses with the word winds in the Apocrypha (8 verses):

2 Esdras 5:37
Open me the places that are closed, and bring me forth the winds that in them are shut up, shew me the image of a voice: and then I will declare to thee the thing that thou labourest to know.

2 Esdras 6:1
And he said unto me, In the beginning, when the earth was made, before the borders of the world stood, or ever the winds blew,

2 Esdras 11:2
And I saw, and, behold, she spread her wings over all the earth, and all the winds of the air blew on her, and were gathered together.

2 Esdras 13:5
And after this I beheld, and, lo, there was gathered together a multitude of men, out of number, from the four winds of the heaven, to subdue the man that came out of the sea

2 Esdras 15:39
And strong winds shall arise from the east, and shall open it; and the cloud which he raised up in wrath, and the star stirred to cause fear toward the east and west wind, shall be destroyed.

Wisdom of Solomon 4:4
For though they flourish in branches for a time; yet standing not last, they shall be shaken with the wind, and through the force of winds they shall be rooted out.

Wisdom of Solomon 7:20
The natures of living creatures, and the furies of wild beasts: the violence of winds, and the reasonings of men: the diversities of plants and the virtues of roots:

Additions to Daniel 1:43
O all ye winds, bless ye the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever,